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Our working method
Based on an original part number, we often know exactly what you need. Is the relevant part number not known (to us)? No problem! We have the ability to still produce many parts for you using reverse engineering. To perform this process accurately, we ask for a technical drawing or sample of the part in question.
We can make drawing of different parts in-house. Depending on the level of difficulty, we do it in the Netherlands or we send it to our partner Gem-Trim in America. After completing the drawing, we will send a quote with the terms and conditions to produce and deliver the part in question.
We also offer the option of drawing up multiple items at the customer’s location at the same time at no charge.
Contact us for more information!
Parts for most common brands such as:
Fisher Controls®
Kent Introl®
Serck Glocon®
And many others…®